Therapy Services
Massage Therapy
Massage Therapy
Our massage therapist specializes in various techniques to ensure you receive quality therapeutic care oriented toward your injury recovery!
Service types include:
Swedish Massage: This style of massage uses oils and lotions and an array of strokes, such as rolling, kneading, and percussion, to help with body circulation. This technique specializes in relieving aches and pains, decreasing stress levels in the body, and increasing joint flexibility.​
Myofascial Massage: This style of massage targets the fascia- the membrane surrounding the muscles rather than the muscle itself. This style of massage is used to treat injuries and discomfort, reducing pain and increasing range of motion.
Physical Therapy
Our physical therapist specializes in orthopedic physical therapy to work your muscles and joints to focus on healing and range of motion for your recovery!
Our physical therapy appointments include:
Thorough assessments of the cause and severity of injury related to your incident
Evaluations of pain levels, range of motion, and muscle imbalances
Personalized plan of treatment customized to your injury and healing process
Develop targeted flexibility and strength-improving exercises
Long-term plans to ensure the risk of re-injury is as low as possible
Coming soon:
Work Conditioning is a physical program that restores musculoskeletal and neuromuscular function. This is also offered in less intensive group therapy sessions with job simulation exercises.
Work Hardening is a holistic program that addresses mental preparedness, safety standards, and personal confidence in recovery.